Uber is no stranger to TCPA litigation, having been on the receiving end of more than its share of TCPA class action targets lately. Indeed, it has been less than three months since a court approved a massive $20MM classwide settlement in a case alleging such violations against the rideshare giant. See Vergara, et al. v. Uber Technologies, Inc., No. 1:15-CV-06942 (N.D. Ill.)
Last Friday a suit filed in the Middle District of Florida challenged Uber’s alleged practice of sending template text messages en masse to former drivers in a bid to have those drivers come back to the Uber fold.
The alleged class definition is:
All persons who (1) on or after four years prior to the filing of the initial complaint
in this action, (2) were sent a text message by or on behalf of Uber, (3) using an
automatic telephone dialing system, (4) for the purpose of soliciting their use of
Uber’s services, and from whom (5) Uber (a) does not allege to have consent, or
(b) alleges to have obtained consent in the same manner it alleges to have obtained
consent from Plaintiff.
Plaintiff is represented by Kaufman P.A.
Uber has not yet entered an appearance.