
The Godfather of TCPA Class Actions: Abbas Kazerounian IN STUDIO with the Womble Bond Dickinson Ramble Podcast


Well here’s the one you’ve been waiting for.

Abbas Kazerounian (along with Josh Swigart) literally invented the TCPA class action nearly ten years ago. And no one has been more successful pursuing these cases over the last decade, earning Abbas the official title of “the Godfather of TCPAland.”

Abbas was a fantastic guest. Articulate, urbane and absolutely candid with his views. There were no cuts, outtakes, or edits. This thing is pure and utterly compelling for anyone involved with TCPA matters.

Listen to this in-depth interview–which is absolutely our best interview yet–to hear:

-Abbas and I debate whether the TCPA is being used as intended by Congress

-Abbas and I debate whether predictive dialers are covered by the statute

-Abbas say he will never pursue a manual-dial TCPA case

-Abbas say it is unethical for putative class counsel to pursue a TCPA class action with a class representative who has received more than 100 calls

-Abbas admit he took a case against Merrill Lynch on a “whim” –and then try really hard to back away from that

-Abbas say that Ocwen overpaid Burke and his crew in a TCPA class action settlement from last year (sour grapes?)

– Abbas admit that plaintiff’s lawyers have “manipulated and massaged” the TCPA and that the statute is now being applied in a way Congress never intended

-Abbas and I agree on the “everyone is now a TCPA expert” phenomenon

-Me ask Abbas how many Bentley’s he owns

-What’s really going on between Josh and Abbas

And so so much more.

Really great stuff in this one, you simply can’t miss this interview if TCPA class cases are important in your world.

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